
Short Term Accommodation


Our team ensures that our participants enjoy activities they love while being away.


What is Short-Term Accommodation?

The objective of Short Term Accommodation (STA) and respite is to provide an opportunity for our participants and their main caregivers to have some time apart. This helps enhance the participants' independence and offers caregivers a break. NDIS funding covers STA, whether it's provided within the home or at an external respite facility. Tribe Support is delighted to present a selection of high-quality short-term accommodation and respite choices for eligible NDIS participants.

What’s included?

During an STA stay, you'll receive assistance with personal care (if required), accommodation, meals, and any requested activities. Since NDIS funding varies for each individual, it's crucial to review your funding details to comprehend the available support. If there are any expenses not covered, Tribe will collaborate with you to grasp your support needs, special requests, and specific objectives, striving to find a cost-efficient solution.


In our Tribe, we take care of everyone

Respite care aims to offer individuals under the NDIS program and their caregivers a chance to take a well-deserved pause from their daily routines and surroundings. Our short-term accommodation options provide our participants with a change of environment and engaging activities, while primary caregivers can also have their own time, knowing that their loved ones are happy and safe.

Tribe Support offers respite trips away throughout New South Wales. Alternatively, for those who prefer staying at home, our team of experienced support professionals can deliver in-home care while caregivers take a break.

Our respite services encompass freshly prepared meals and a variety of activities to keep participants occupied and joyful. Depending on their preferences and requirements, participants can select from a diverse range of activities, including swimming, bowling, horse riding, fishing, boating and cruises, beach outings, adventure parks, attractions such as zoos, and indoor game rooms.

In cases of heightened complexity or urgent need, we also offer emergency respite accommodations. These services are available only within the Central Coast.


Thinking about booking your next respite with Tribe, contact our experienced team for more information.